Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Difference Between a "Father" and a "Dad"-A Tribute to My Husband

With not a whole lot of daddy experience, I'm not an expert on fathers.  My own father passed away when I was 11.  Before you start feeling bad, he wasn't exactly a nominee for father of the year when he was alive.  I grew up in an awful, abusive, disfunctional home.  Not the ideal environment for any children.  When I remember my father, I remember getting beaten with an old, thick razor strap.  I'm not going to hurt!  I did what any abused child does in school...I lied about my injuries.  I made things up, like I fell down the stairs.  That was the one I used most often.  I basically pretended to be a klutz.  No teacher ever questioned it. I guess back then it wasn't a big thing. 

When I was 16 my mom met this man, who is now my stepdad.  He's more of a father than mine ever was.  He's a good man.  I know he didn't know how to be a dad or what to do with a daughter.  He has never had any children of his own, so it was a whole new experience for him.  He did his best and that's all I could ever ask for.  When I got married, he walked me down the isle.  I felt he deserved that honor after all he has done for me and my family.

My view on "father" and "dad" is a bit unorthodox I guess, but that's how I've always seen it.  The term "father" is a formal word that demands respect, yet seems intimidating.  I always thought that "father" lacks the love, support,and bonding that the informal "dad" reflects. A "dad" is all about love, respect, fun, bonding, and closeness a parent has with his child.

When I met my husband, I knew he'd make a wonderful dad.  He really didn't think so.  I see my husband with our son and it becomes clear to me...that's how a dad should be.  My husband is the "fun" parent.  He acts like a big kid himself when they're together.  One thing is definitely for sure, our little guy loves his daddy more than anything.  It doesn't matter what they do, they're both pretty happy just being together.  My husband works a lot of hours at his job, so he's not here much during the day, but when he is, it's special, quality time. They both cherish the few hours during they day the get to spend together. 

When we first got married my husband swore he didn't want kids, but now you'd never know it.  Every day our son brings a smile to his face and vice versa.  My husband is a great role model for our son and a great guide through life.  It's obvious that our son looks up to him. For some reason, unknown to me, our son also tends to listen to his daddy a heck of a lot better than he listens to mommy. 

I know that the daddies who are actually willing to change diapers are few and far between.  My husband will do it all.  Granted, sometimes I have to remind him, but that's just because I'm around our son more.   I realize how lucky we really are have my husband around.   He's a great man, a great provider and a great supporter.  He is strong, confident, funny and intelligent.  He is loving, caring and good-hearted.   He is everything a great dad should be and more. 

Now I know what a dad should be. 

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