Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Introduction-My Life as a Mommy in a Nutshell

Hi there!  My name is Danielle and like a lot of women out there, I'm a wife and a mom.  I'm proud to say that I have one very happy, very energetic almost 22 month old and one on the way.  My family is the center of my world. 

My son (pictured above), who challenges me at every turn, is starting his terrible twos.  However, he is a wonderful kid.  He's so sweet and loving.  I can't remember life without him.  Lately he's been throwing tantrums just about every time he hears the dreaded word "No".  We are "controlling" them to the best of our abilities.  His pediatrician tells us to simply ignore his tantrums.  Easier said than done when you're standing in line at the store and he breaks out into one of his fits.  All because I won't let him have something.  He acts like I'm torturing him.  It's amazing how in a split second every eye has turned to you.  Really, it's embarrasing!  But, despite all of  his tantrums, he is the most amazing kid in the world.  I know, I'm his mom, so I'm biased. I wouldn't trade anything for any second I've had with him (yep, I'm including the fits...crazy huh?).

Not only do I have the challenge of daily life with a toddler, but I am also preggers.  That's right, I'm dealing with all of the first trimester joys (I guess joys was a bad word choice, because it's not even remotely fun).  That means that the morning sickness, acid reflux, tiredness, pains, cravings, etc. are in full swing.  Whoever said a pregnant woman "glows" is out of their mind!  I can't see how you can glow when your face and body suddenly breaks out, or while you're vomitting over the toilet at all hours of the day (morning sickness is yet another phrase I don't quite understand), or when you're so tired you need toothpicks to prop your eyes open.  I won't lie, this pregnancy was an uh-oh, but we're excited to see and experience this new baby and everything he/she has to offer the world.  Right now, the worries are health, of course.  Will he/she be born with all of his/her limbs?  Will he/she be okay mentally?  Will he/she be okay physically?  The typical worries of parents-to-be. 

My husband (who I guess you could consider my third child) is wonderful!  He tries really hard to be a great dad, husband, and supporter.  I know with the many hats he has to wear, he's stressed out.  Since I lost my job when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant with our first child, I haven't been able to find another job that pays enough.  The economy is rough for everyone, so we just have to make the best of it and try to do whatever we can for our family.  My husband carries the financial burden of the whole family.  He works so hard to pay the bills and provide for our family.  He's a great husband. I hope that someday I can do the same for him.  He deserves a little relaxation. 

That's my family in a nutshell!  We have our challenges, but we find a way to get through it, because we love each other.

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